Totally Unofficial Queer Guide to Emerald City Comic Con 2019
Emerald City Comic Con is just around the corner! Every year, comic and media lovers of all stripes flock to the convention center to see celebrities, browse merchandise, check out panels and play games. Whether you want to pony up for autographs, see your favorite voice-over actors read scripts in wacky voices, or meet your favorite creators, there’s something for everyone.
There’s plenty of queer-focused content too, both at the convention itself and in associated events around the city. We’ve gathered together everything we’re aware of that is specifically queer or focused on diversity and inclusivity. While we try to our best to include everything, this list may not be completely comprehensive.
Please note that this year there are new security procedures around entering Emerald City Comicon. If you plan to arrive in the morning, there will only be one entrance available to you, in the Convention Place tunnel. For more information, check out their new security procedures.
Of course, there’s a lot to do and see this weekend, even if you aren’t attending Emerald City Comicon. If you don’t do anything else, come by the QOMIX: Queer Comicon Party on Saturday night at Timbre Room to get a full dose of the amazing intersection of queer folks and comics!

Queer content is emphasized in the panel

Content that has queerness as a central theme is featured in this panel (Steven Universe, Sense8).

This is a party or after-hours event. No PAX ticket required

This panel features an openly queer panelist (or more)

Inclusive content is emphasized in this panel. While queerness may be a part of that, these panels are either broader in nature/intersectional or featuring a different diverse representation.
11AM Jet City Temple Presents: The Force Experience
WSCC 211 – Family HQ
The Force Experience happens several times over the weekend, with many queer exhibitors, performers and teachers of kids and adult lightsaber classes, doing panels, shows for kids, scenes in Freeway Park and with a variety of interactive exhibits. Ask about becoming a member of the Pride Squadron!
12PM Using Kids Graphic Novels to Portray Tough Topics
Seattle Public Library – Level 4, Room 1
Dungeons & Dragons live! For one night only, the d20 Dames and Dungeons & Drag Queens roll the dice and improvise their way through two original adventures, played onstage before a live audience! It’s a night of real D&D — challenging encounters, thrilling combat, and hilarious misadventure.
Come to one or both of these interconnected shows, with discount double-feature tickets available! We’ll have a fantasy-themed photo booth on the patio between shows, so dress to impress or come in costume to get your picture taken with the casts of your favorite D&D podcasts.
If you’re into role-play, join us for a night of dice rolls, death drops, and drink specials to die for! Doors open at 6pm, with the d20 Dames show starting at 7. The Dungeons & Drag Queens show starts at 9:30pm.
12:15PM Industry Women & Genderqueer Mixer
TCC L2-R5 – Meetups
Connect and network with other professionals in a hosted environment. Bring your business cards to swap.
1:45PM #OwnVoices & Small Press Comics: Readers Advisory
Seattle Public Library – Level 4, Room 1
Own Voices is a discussion that has come out of the hashtag #OwnVoices, which was created by author Corinne Duyvis as a way to highlight kidlit written by diverse authors about characters from their own communities. In this readers’ advisory panel, we would like to share Own Voices comics and graphic novels for all ages — in particular, highlighting small press comics you may have missed.
Guests: Amanda Hua, Aydin Kwan, Margrith Mooney
4:15PM Inclusive Comics 101: Or, Comics for the Rest of Us
Seattle Public Library – Microsoft Auditorium
Like people, comics come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and personalities – more so today than ever before. In this panel, hear from educators, publishers, and creators about how comics today are breaking down barriers and where they see the comics medium heading in the near future. As a bonus, panelists will provide attendees with a list of inclusive and diverse comics for you to check out at home or in the classroom.
Guests: Colleen AF Venable, Jill Gerber, Matt Slayter, Paige Braddock, Shiri Sondheimer
5:15PM PNW Latinx Comics Artists
TCC L3 – R1
With such publications as Alberto Ledesma’s Diary of a Reluctant Dreamer: Undocumented Vignettes from a Pre-American Life (2017) and Tales from La Vida: A Latinx Comics Anthology (2018) (both from major new publisher Latinographix) along with yearly events like SÕL-Con: The Brown and Black Comix Expo and the Latino Comics Expo, comics work by Latinx artists is attracting eyeballs and critical raves like never before. In this panel, three important PNW Latinx cartoonists will discuss their work and the increasing visibility of Latinx comics in general: Myra Lara, a Seattle architect who uses her comics as social activism to address the housing crisis; Roberta Gregory, the Inkpot Award-winning author of Naughty Bits from Fantagraphics; and T. Edward Bak, the Eugene, Oregon-based author of the graphic novel Island of Memory (2013). UW professor José Alaniz will moderate the talk.
Guests: José Alaniz, Myra Lara, Roberta Gregory, T. Edward Bak
5:30PM Spotlight on Iron Circus Comics
This panel will highlight the strange and amazing titles recently released by Iron Circus Comics, as well as those that will become available in 2019. Featured creators include Maria Frantz (The Chancellor and the Citadel), Blue Delliquanti (Meal), Evan Dahm (Rice Boy, Harrowing of Hell), and Kel McDonald (Cautionary Fables and Fairytales). This is an exclusive look behind the scenes at one of the fastest growing indie comic publishers. See how the Iron Circus gears turn and get a peek at upcoming titles!
Guests: Blue Delliquanti, Evan Dahm, Kel McDonald, Maria Frantz
6:30PM Don’t Stop Us Now! POC/LGBTQ Cosplayers Are Slaying It, and You Can Too
WSCC 307
Don’t let anyone tell you how to cosplay. We sure didn’t! In this panel, five cosplayers will share how they each cosplay in their own way, either sticking to the script or adjusting their costume designs to work for them. Find out how empower your fellow POC cosplayers, be a supportive ally, and make your cosplay dreams happen. We’re stronger together!
Guests: Dahlia Cortez, Gabby Pilgrim, Jamila Clarke, Mylina Baez, Norita Smoeuk, Shanera Touch
8PM Ms. Pak-Man: Mazed and Confused!
Re-Bar (1114 Howell St.)
“Ms. Pak-Man: Mazed and Confused!” is the all-new fifth installment of the critically acclaimed Ms. Pak-Man series. After wowing packed audiences in San Francisco and Los Angeles, Ms. Pak-Man is returning to Seattle with her cabaret style theatre experience! Watch this world-renowned video game superstar of the 1980s pop power pills while she shares scandalous songs and stories about her life and loves… glitches and all!
It’s a hilarious night of comedy, confessions, camp and quarters. She sings! She dances! She drinks! She might black out! There’s a chance she won’t remember the show, but you will! This show runs Fri-Sat nights through Mar 30.
11AM Screen Tests: Establishing Representation in Pop Culture
Everyone has heard of the Bechdel Test, but have you heard of newer tests, such as the Mako Mori, the DuVernay, the Ramirez, or the Russo tests? Join us in a discussion of these tests and how useful (or not) they are in evaluating your media — and pick up some recommendations that pass!
Guests: Paige Mackmer, Sarah Gulde, Tansura Thomas, Tanya Cooke, Valeria Levkovskaya, Josh Boykin
11AM Disability: When Every Day Is Cosplay
WSCC 307
Join the discussion of ways people with disabilities are depicted in media, including anime, film, graphic novels, games, and toys. Share your perspective and experience. Help us compile a list of examples that advocate for greater awareness of physical, sensory, cognitive, and emotional challenges in everyday life.
Guests: Denise Shaw, Jeff Petersen, Naomi Petersen
12PM Industry People of Color Mixer
TCC L2-R5 – Meetups
Connect and network with other professionals in a hosted environment, bring your business cards to swap.
12:15PM Roll for a Sanity Check: Games and Mental Health
Have you found a community through games that understands you better than people IRL? Have you played a game that helped with anxiety? Has an experience in a game worsened your depression? Our panelists will explore how games, the gaming community, and working in the gaming industry can help and hurt your mental health.
Guests: Liz Leo, Robert Schuster, Tifa Robles, Yakaru Dezaki
1:30PM I’m the Girl with the Big Ass Gun: How Wynonna Earp Reinvented the Strong Women Trope
An instant fandom classic from the moment it aired, Wynonna Earp, like other successful genre shows features a strong female lead. Wynonna, however, is so much more than a “girl with a big ass gun.” She’s tough, for sure, but she also has to learn to be strong by relying on support from her sister and a small circle of compatriots who represent her family of choice. Bolstered by its loyal fandom of Earpers, WE has also broken new ground by featuring a coming-out arc for a main character, followed by a same-sex relationship. Join us to learn more about how Wynonna Earp both exemplifies legacy of the strong female lead, as represented by Xena and Buffy, while simultaneously redefining the archetype.
Guests: Brittany Dailey, Jessica Mason, Paige Mackmer, Pasha Ripley, Princess Weekes, Tanya Cook
1:30PM Women of Atari
The panel will celebrate the pioneer women, such as Carol Shaw, Dona Bailey, and Suki Lee, who took part in creating the computer gaming industry in the early days of Atari. We will use their stories to discuss how we can learn from the women in past when thinking about positioning under-represented voices in technology development in the future. If we are to develop games for everybody, spanning geographies, genders, cultures etc., we must ensure that the people who create technology are representative of the population who are to use the technologies. This panel seeks to voice critical questions, challenges, and opportunities, which will allow us to drive toward heterogeneous technology development of the future.
Guests: Dona Bailey, Evie Powell, Kate Edwards, Katherine Cross, Pernille Bjorn, Rebecca Heineman
4PM Limerence Press Presents: The Future of LGBT+ Comics
2018 was a great year for LGBT+ comics, what does 2019 and beyond hold? Join Limerence Press editorial director Ari Yarwood in conversation with a panel of top indie creators, featuring Josh Trujillo (Dream Daddy), Meredith McClaren (Super Fun Sexy Times), Mildred Louis (Agents of the Realm), Isabella Rotman (Wait, What? A Comic Book Guide to Relationships, Bodies, and Growing Up), and Tess Stone (Not Drunk Enough), discussing representation, craft, and their hopes for the future of queer comics.
Guests: Isabella Rotman, Josh Trujillo, Megan Rose Gedris, Meredith McClaren, Mildred Louis, Tess Stone
4PM Asians in Magic: Representation in Imagined Worlds
Magic: The Gathering is a rich intersection of game design, art, and story, making it a unique and exciting opportunity for people of a variety of backgrounds and talents to collaborate. Take a tour through the Multiverse to explore how Asian-inspired planes and characters have shaped Magic: The Gathering, and us, over the last 25 years. As fans and makers of Magic who identify as Asian, we’ll discuss how our heritage informs our work on Magic and has shaped our career paths in the games industry.
Guests: Ari Neih, Daniel Ketchum, Jehan Choo, Meris Mullaley, Stephen Sunu, Victoria Caña
5:15PM Prop Shop Talk with the Women of SheProp!
WSCC 307
Can you walk that prop AND talk that shop, but feel like an outsider in many of the maker forums? We do too! Join members of SheProp!, the propmaking forum for women, trans, and non-binary artists and creators, as we answer all of your cosplay and propmaking questions, free of judgment and criticism. Come and join the discussion about why SheProp! has quickly become a vital presence within the cosplay community, providing a space for accessible support and encouragement for women propmakers, costume designers, SFX artists, cosplayers and more.
Guests: Abby Sollars (Abbycat Cosplay), Downen Creative Studios, Erin Eide (Team Totoro), Velissa Stone (Veloria Solo Cosplay)
6:30PM Babes and Bitches: Redefining the Strong Female Character
WSCC 603
With the popularity of books like The Hunger Games, Divergent, and Children of Blood and Bone, there’s a lot of discussion about strong female characters, especially in young adult books. However, this label is often applied very narrowly and in a way that reinforces stereotypes instead of breaking them. In this panel, we’re going to pick this label apart and explore the many ways women are smashing the literary patriarchy. All panelists are authors published by major publishing houses.
Guests: Brittney M. Morris, Gabrielle K. Byrne, Joy McCullough, Julia Nobel, Rachel Lynn Solomon, Somaiya Daud
7:30PM Queer Mixer at the Raygun Lounge ECCC Weekend
Raygun Lounge (501 E Pine St)
During this year’s Emerald City Comic Con, Outsider Comic is partnering with Raygun Lounge on Capitol Hill for a queer mixer!
Head over after the convention to grab a beer, game, and network with fellow LGBTQ+ creatives and geeks in a relaxed environment! This event is free and open to LGBTQ+ people of all ages, plus their friends and partners. No ECCC pass is required.
8PM Ms. Pak-Man: Mazed and Confused!
Re-Bar (1114 Howell St.)
“Ms. Pak-Man: Mazed and Confused!” is the all-new fifth installment of the critically acclaimed Ms. Pak-Man series. After wowing packed audiences in San Francisco and Los Angeles, Ms. Pak-Man is returning to Seattle with her cabaret style theatre experience! Watch this world-renowned video game superstar of the 1980s pop power pills while she shares scandalous songs and stories about her life and loves… glitches and all!
It’s a hilarious night of comedy, confessions, camp and quarters. She sings! She dances! She drinks! She might black out! There’s a chance she won’t remember the show, but you will! This show runs Fri-Sat nights through Mar 30.
11AM The Power of Joy in Queer Media
We’re here, we’re queer, and we want happy stories. What does joy mean to LGBTQ+ creators and how is it reflected in our work? For queer audiences especially, it is important to have stories that show us getting to be happy—whether that’s falling in love, going on adventures, or saving the world. Join writers and creatives as they talk about the power of joy in queer media and what it means to see ourselves happy, loved, and brave on the page.
Guests: CB Lee, Julia Ember, Mallory Cohen, Ray Stoeve, Taylor Brooke, Ziggy Schutz
11:15AM Women in Gaming Meetup
TCC L2-R5 – Meetup
Connect and network with other professionals in a hosted environment, bring your business cards to swap.
12:15PM Dreamworks She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
WSCC 611
Join executive producer Noelle Stevenson as she looks back on the celebrated first season of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power and forward at what’s to come for Adora and the Princess Alliance.
Guest: Noelle Stevenson
12:30PM POC Representation in Entertainment, Media, and Film
We are the creators of Black and Blue. We represent all walks of life and love how the entertainment world is getting more and more diverse. We would love to have you join us to discuss which media outlets, TV shows, and films are doing representation right.
Guests: Abie Ekenezar, Dominique Thomas, Hiromi Cota, Mary Adner, Tristen Pamphlet-Gardner, Y’hon Frakes
2:45PM Steven Universe: Neurodiversity, Fusion Theory, and the Facets of Connection
Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl… AND GEEKS! Scholars and fans of the popular animated show Steven Universe unite to chat about the characters that inspire, the moments that resonate, and theorize endlessly about what it really means to fuse. Join us as we journey into psychology, sociology, a little bit of mineralogy, and magic… then go out for pizzas.
Guests: Ayom Ament, Isabela Oliveira, Mary Adner, Nic Fidley
4PM Building Your Own Themyscira: Connecting with Other Geek Bosses
A round-table discussion with women who found their niches in the geek community and have worked to grow in them, both personally and professionally. In this panel, we’ll explore the worlds of networking and collaboration while sharing tips on how to start building professional relationships and promote community over competition.
Guests: Benita Botello, Che Grayson, Jazzlyn Stone, Jordan Ellis, Robyn Warren, M.S. Ed., Rose Del Vecchio
4:15PM Lion Forge Presents: Representation in Graphic Storytelling – From the Comic Shop to the Tabletop
Lion Forge Comics strives to publish comics and more that everyone, regardless of background, ethnicity, or gender identification, can connect with. With multiple imprints, including an entire line of books for younger readers and one of the most diverse superhero universes in comics history, the St. Louis publisher makes good on that promise every Wednesday.
Guests: Jeremy Atkins, Shawna Gore
5:15PM Decolonizing Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons is enjoying a renaissance in pop culture through the power of TV and the internet. Its origins heavily influenced by war games, the game systems reward conquest, racial conflict, tropes surrounding gender, and borrowed monsters from all over the world—reskinning them to varying effect. With more underrepresented people (publicly) playing than ever before, what problematic issues in the crunch and flavor of the game can be reconstructed to explore new ideas of power, morality, and more? Join game writers, editors, players, podcasters, and artists as they talk about decolonizing DnD!
Guests: Amanda Meadows, Haleel Al-Massari, Jen Vaughn, Jess Ross, Lysa Chen, Tristan J. Tarwater
5:30PM Healing Through Sci-Fi: Why Representation Matters
Media has a well-established history of pushing on the edges of acceptability: from genderbending and race swapping in casting to depicting intersectionality. Given the state of our society the need for characters of color, women, LGBTQ characters, and characters who are open about mental illness are needed now more than ever. Join us to talk about how seeing examples of this in our media helps us come to a better understanding about who we are, accept ourselves, and begin to heal.
Guests: Ardis Vanmeerten, Kate Vander Voort Wilson, Lynn Gagne, Nikki York, Raven Oak
5:30PM No More “Others”: Cultural Connection Through Comics
TCC L2-R4 – The Hive Workshops
Othering can have a detrimental effect on learners and the climate of a classroom. As teachers, it can be difficult to teach using materials that may be outside of one’s own culture. This panel will empower teachers to diversify and contemporize their selections and show how teachers can amplify student voice in the process.
Guests: Colleen AF Venable, Janet Weber, Jill Gerber, Regine Sawyer, Tracy Edmunds, Yehudi Mercado
6:30PM Body Positivity Through Cosplay
WSCC 307
Every body is a cosplay body, including yours! Join us for this important discussion as we address different techniques and tricks for cosplaying any character, with any body type.
Guests: Abigail Lockser, Colton Morrow, Dillon Finley, Elizabeth Cockerill
8PM Ms. Pak-Man: Mazed and Confused!
Re-Bar (1114 Howell St.)
“Ms. Pak-Man: Mazed and Confused!” is the all-new fifth installment of the critically acclaimed Ms. Pak-Man series. After wowing packed audiences in San Francisco and Los Angeles, Ms. Pak-Man is returning to Seattle with her cabaret style theatre experience! Watch this world-renowned video game superstar of the 1980s pop power pills while she shares scandalous songs and stories about her life and loves… glitches and all!
It’s a hilarious night of comedy, confessions, camp and quarters. She sings! She dances! She drinks! She might black out! There’s a chance she won’t remember the show, but you will! This show runs Fri-Sat nights through Mar 30.
Timbre Room (1809 Minor Avenue)
21+ / $10
Dust off your best Super Suit and fly on over to our Fortress of Fabulous for QOMIX: Queer Comicon Party, presented by Queerspace Magazine and Queer Geek. Join your fellow queer geeks, along with your host, the legendary Arson Nicki (Rapture: A Queer Avant Garde Extravaganza, Queens of Adventure), and hard-hitting DJs Joy Ma and Calente Cardwell, for drinks, dancing, and the amazing QOMIX Cosplay Contest, where you can win some fabulous prizes courtesy of Northwest Press, Oni Press, Funko, and more. There’s no better way to queer up your Emerald City Comic Con weekend!
No ECCC passes required to attend.
11AM Mixing It Up: Multiracial Characters on the Rise
From comics like Saga, to games such as Halo, the Mixed Comix Collective explores how Blackness and women of color are being written and drawn in media today. As interactive media expands its narratives and characters to be more inclusive and in line with feminist ideals, we have seen a rise of mixed-race characters represented within some of the most popular new titles. Join us for an in-depth look at some of the most cutting-edge representations of feminist mixed race characters.
Guests: Aina Braxton, Meshell Sturgis, Morgan Thomas
11AM Into the Spider-Verse: #RepresentationMatters
The Golden Globe and Oscar winning film Into the Spider-Verse has put a spotlight on the power and energy that representation brings to modern comics. From Silk to Spider-Gwen, Mockingbird to Miles Morales, join creators and thinkers as we discuss the exciting future of the Spider-Verse and why telling stories that better express human diversity allows us to explore true heroism in life-affirming ways.
Guests: Cully Hamner, Heather Antos, Hope Nicholson, Jason Latour, Jorge Molina, Karama Horne, Tana Ford
11:15PM Industry LGBTQIA Mixer
TCC L2-R5 – Meetups
Connect and network with other professionals in a hosted environment, bring your business cards to swap.
12PM LGBTQ+ in Kid’s Comics
Today’s most dynamic creators are in kid’s comics and they’re portraying queer characters in fresh ways. Join Colleen AF Venable and Ellen T. Crenshaw (Kiss Number 8), Megan Rose Gedris (Spectacle), Terry Blas and Molly Muldoon (Dead Weight) in their discussion of LGBTQ graphic novels for kids: from developing authentic stories, to comics as a safe space for all identities. Moderated by Katie Monnin (Pop Culture Classroom). Sponsored by the CBC Graphic Novel Committee.
Guests: Colleen AF Venable, Dr. Katie Monnin, Ellen T. Creshaw, Megan Rose Gedris, Molly Muldoon, Terry Blas
1:15PM Indigenous Futurism in Comics
Indigenous Futurisms looks to those who came before us so we may act in the present for future generations. It recognizes nonlinear spacetime and spans genres, including science fiction. This panel shares the experience of working on MOONSHOT: The Indigenous Comics Collection Volume 3, which brings together Indigenous artists and writers through this lens.
Panelists: Alina Pete, Elizabeth Lapensée, Jeffrey Veregge, Michael Sheyashe, Richard Pace, Sadekaronhes Esquivel
1:30PM Exploring Gender, Race, and Body Positivity in Cosplay
WSCC 307
Do you like to cosplay? Have you ever felt like you couldn’t cosplay some of your favorite characters because off the limitations that the community has placed on you? Are you confused as to what is and is not okay to cosplay? Come join an informative discussion as we discuss the ins and outs of bending cosplays to create a better community. Topics such as genderbends and crossplay will be discussed, as well as the informative pieces revolving around body type in cosplay, and “race-face.”
Guests: Chameo Cosplay, Chandlerdarling Cosplay, Enbious Cosplay, Georgie Welch, Jon Barber, Lyrixx Cosplay
1:30PM I Get It Now: Exploring Cultural Perspectives Through the Use of Graphic Memoirs and Biographies
TCC L2-R4 – The Hive Workshops
Anecdotes can be a powerful device for creating understanding, as can images. Graphic memoirs and biographies are unique and effective tools for introducing culture to students: the pacing leads to a deeper understanding, the images a deeper connection, and the exposition is accessible. These three traits are key to introducing any new material to students, but especially when that material could lead to a genuine appreciation of people, perspectives, and traditions outside of their own.
Guests: Crystal Frasier, Dan Dougherty, Dana Simpson, Janet Lee, Jill Gerber, Whitney Leopard
2:45PM Women in Tech: May We Be Them, May We Know Them, May We Raise Them
A conversation by a diverse group of women who took different paths into tech, carved out a niche there, and are now helping other women to be successful. This is more than a “so you want to work in games!” panel; this discussion will explore how we advocate for ourselves and others, create allies, and redefine the landscape to be inclusive.
Panelists: Grace Chien, Lindsey Reimer, Robin Crew, Shana T. Bryant, Susan Oleinik, Vicki Ebberts
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