Purple hair? Check. Animal print? Check. Gaudy baubles? Check. By definition, Fiona Pepe looks like she’s just stepped out of a pastel Miami Beach condo, but by definition only.

Robert Roth
Robert Roth (he/him) is a working-class queer nerd and author helping to overthrow the capitalist patriarchy one wry comment at a time. Besides writing stories and novels, he’s written hundreds of magazine and news articles, dozens of published film and video scripts, and a four-act play. He lives in Seattle with his partner, where he enjoys reading and writing science-fiction.
Lauren Hearts Art
It was a chilly morning when Lauren and I met for coffee at the Victrola on Pike. Fall weather had finally arrived in Seattle, wrapping the sky in her cool, grey cloak. Lauren's bright, sunny smile, however, beams spring warmth wherever it shines. While we stand in...