Full Disclosure

Full Disclosure

Full Disclosure: Lost In The Age Of Hook Up Apps

Full Disclosure: Lost In The Age Of Hook Up Apps

With hook up apps becoming more commonplace in gay male culture, so has a problematic pretense of sex. I will admit that I have been on both the receiving and giving end of this. Just as in the face-to-face world of sex, there is no guarantee for an encounter unless consent is obtained from all parties involved.

Full Disclosure: Facebook, Identity, and Human Connectivity

Full Disclosure: Facebook, Identity, and Human Connectivity

Painted Cakes Do Not Satisfy Hunger -Be Here Now, by Ram Dass In researching the phenomena of Facebook, I came across this article on how it is negatively altering our minds. In it, the author describes the social network as an addiction, ensnaring us in a dopamine...

Full Disclosure: The Second Coming Of Puberty

Full Disclosure: The Second Coming Of Puberty

“One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.” Simone de Beauvoir revolutionized our understanding of the self by detaching sex from an innate and essential way of being. With her lengthy study of the sources of women’s oppression in her book The Second Sex, she laid...

Full Disclosure: A Meditation On Queer Feelings

Full Disclosure: A Meditation On Queer Feelings

I sometimes write as a form of meditation, one in which I attempt to make sense for myself in a vastly unknown world. I use it to convey ideas to other people about what, why, and how it is that I know what I know. It is a delicate balance of what I’m thinking, and...

Full Disclosure: I Came To Pee In Peace

Full Disclosure: I Came To Pee In Peace

I’ll never forget that most awkward day in the women’s bathroom at Nordstrom. At the time, I was not yet on hormones but very masculine presenting. I avoided public bathrooms at all costs, opting to hold it even if it caused me an infection. As I squeamishly pushed...

Full Disclosure: Gender Diversity In Electronic Music

Full Disclosure: Gender Diversity In Electronic Music

I trace my love affair with women and electronic music back to one definitively haunting and timeless record, Portishead’s Dummy. From there, I developed a passion for abrasive beats, experimental synths, and the pervasive passion of female vocals. As my taste...

Full Disclosure: My Year In Review

Full Disclosure: My Year In Review

My year began with an overwhelming sense of nausea and a frightening feeling of purposelessness as a result of the pressure from an absurd and amorphous, yet very tangible world. Instead of running away from it into the safety net of society’s roles and realities, I...

Full Disclosure: Setting The Bar

Full Disclosure: Setting The Bar

A year ago, I joined the staff of a grungy little alternative bar/theatre/nightclub known as Re-bar. Since it’s inception, it has been a place that has welcomed artists on the fringe of normalcy. It’s a spot where in one evening you can snuggle up and see the surreal...

Full Disclosure: Overcoming The Stigma of HSV

Full Disclosure: Overcoming The Stigma of HSV

Contracting a sexually transmitted infection is not only taxing on your body, but your mental and social health. Over the summer I was exposed to my first STI, HSV-1, without my knowledge. My partner was a cis-female friend, and our encounter included a lot of mutual...

Full Disclosure: Stranger In A Strange Land

Full Disclosure: Stranger In A Strange Land

As a transgender person who can fit relatively well within normative masculine and male standards, it is easier for me to come into a space like Steamworks. But it doesn’t always mean I will be embraced by everyone. Being a visible transgender person is an important aspect of my life, and I do things to constantly push myself outside of my comfort zone.

Full Disclosure: I’ve Never Been Anyone’s Boyfriend

Full Disclosure: I’ve Never Been Anyone’s Boyfriend

by Braedyn Ezra November 17, 2015 Always the best man, never the groom. Friends, I am genuinely happy to see all of you entering into successful, loving, romantic relationships. I appreciate being the one you turn to in times of need and distress when your mate is...