After traveling thousands of miles fleeing violence and discrimination, LGBTQ women find safety and support in Tapachula, Mexico.
Queer Life
Queer Life
Aimee Stephens Takes Her Trans Rights Case To The Supreme Court
This week the US Supreme Court will hear three cases dealing with queer and trans rights, cases that ask the court to decide whether it is legal to fire someone who is queer and/or trans under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act’s prohibition on discrimination based on sex. The subject of one of these cases, R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, is Aimee Stephens.
Why Bisexual People May Not See The Health Benefits Of Marriage
While a large number of studies show that married people enjoy better health than unmarried people, a growing number of studies have found that bisexual people experience poorer health than straight, gay, or lesbian people do.
My Sober Second Act
There are so many things that numb us to who we are. Alcohol is a big one. Minority groups, including queer and trans folks, have higher rates of alcoholism. It makes sense that we’d want to reach for a substance that provides an escape. But where’s the line between temporary escape and self-sabotage, playing right into the hands of those harmful stereotypes forced on us?
Sexually-Abused Gay, Bi, and Trans Men Face Unique Stigma and Harm
Gay, bi, and trans men experience unique harms from sexual abuse and often struggle to resolve their sexuality as a result.
What The States That Don’t Protect LGBTQ Employees Have In Common
Are you fully protected from employment discrimination? For employees who identify as LGBTQ, and work in one of at least 17 states nationwide that fail to protect workers, the answer at best is uncertain. At worst, it’s “no” under state statute. In many ways, the...
Woke Washing: Buying Good PR With Allyship
More consumers want companies to address societal problems. But consumers are also increasingly skeptical about these efforts, seeing them as marketing stunts.
Queer And Disabled Folks Lead The Way In Surviving Environmental Disasters
Communities around the world are grappling with the growing number and intensity of climate-related disasters because of climate change. Immediately after one of these disasters in the U.S., federal, state, and nonprofit agencies frequently pour financial resources into the communities affected by the latest fire, flood, or earthquake. But these emergency support systems are usually unable to address the long-term needs of those affected, and all too often, these structural support systems entirely overlook those of us who live at the intersection of multiple oppressions: race, class, gender, disability, and sexual orientation, to name a few.
23% Of Young Black Women Now Identify As Bisexual
Young people – especially young black women – are more willing to explore their sexuality. And the ways they are sexually identifying themselves on surveys is only one indicator of this change.
Women, Queers, And Trans Folks Taking Over Skate Culture
Women and Trans skate nights and other Skate Like A Girl events are helping carve out a distinctive Seattle queer and trans skate community.
The Uproar Over Taking ‘Man’ Out Of ‘Manhole’
A progressive city’s new ordinance on gender-neutral language provokes a worldwide media storm.
How I Got My Trans Healthcare In Seattle And How You Can Too
If you live in Seattle and are looking for transition-related medical care, luckily, it can be easier than some other places. Take it from me. I’ll tell you how I did it and where you can start if you’re just beginning to navigate the healthcare system.