Polyamory is relationship-focused and predicated on consent. Everyone involved is privy to the arrangement. It isn’t strictly about sex.
Navigating Romantic Relationships as Asexual
Though an estimated 1% of people identify as asexual, asexual people remain relatively invisible and are rarely researched.
The Rise of the Porn-tropreneur
“Porn is the billboard. Cam is the product,” my housemate and porn performer in Las Vegas tells me. She makes most of her money from camming: a form of live streaming, where viewers tip for a sexual performance via webcam. For her, performing in porn films is now more...
The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy and a “Positive” Message That Still Holds True
The narrative in “Positive” by The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy shows that, even as early as 1992, hip-hop was on the forefront of educating the public and dealing with the prejudices surrounding HIV and AIDS.
Sexually-Abused Gay, Bi, and Trans Men Face Unique Stigma and Harm
Gay, bi, and trans men experience unique harms from sexual abuse and often struggle to resolve their sexuality as a result.
23% Of Young Black Women Now Identify As Bisexual
Young people – especially young black women – are more willing to explore their sexuality. And the ways they are sexually identifying themselves on surveys is only one indicator of this change.
Mayor Murray and the Fall of a Guardian
Today The Stranger published an editorial submission from Mayor Ed Murray. That sentence is, in itself, troubling without taking into account the fact that Murray’s guest editorial was a blathering, vile screed in which he stated what powerful, white men always say when they’re in danger: look at the alleged victim’s criminal record, they must be lying.
Journeying into Asexuality
I had a crush on my first girlfriend for roughly two years before I asked her out. Then, when she said yes, I promptly stopped talking to her until she broke up with me via another mutual friend. My first boyfriend and I, when we had his parents’ house entirely to ourselves, went up to his room and closed the door, so we could let his ferret out of his cage without worrying. We kissed once and only once; I broke up with him less than a week later. My most successful relationship was a long-distance flirtation via daily phone calls; years later, the girl asked me why we had never kissed. I had no answer.
Full Disclosure: Lost In The Age Of Hook Up Apps
With hook up apps becoming more commonplace in gay male culture, so has a problematic pretense of sex. I will admit that I have been on both the receiving and giving end of this. Just as in the face-to-face world of sex, there is no guarantee for an encounter unless consent is obtained from all parties involved.
Full Disclosure: The Second Coming Of Puberty
“One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.” Simone de Beauvoir revolutionized our understanding of the self by detaching sex from an innate and essential way of being. With her lengthy study of the sources of women’s oppression in her book The Second Sex, she laid...
Full Disclosure: Stranger In A Strange Land
As a transgender person who can fit relatively well within normative masculine and male standards, it is easier for me to come into a space like Steamworks. But it doesn’t always mean I will be embraced by everyone. Being a visible transgender person is an important aspect of my life, and I do things to constantly push myself outside of my comfort zone.