Trans Life

Trans Life

Aimee Stephens Takes Her Trans Rights Case To The Supreme Court

Aimee Stephens Takes Her Trans Rights Case To The Supreme Court

This week the US Supreme Court will hear three cases dealing with queer and trans rights, cases that ask the court to decide whether it is legal to fire someone who is queer and/or trans under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act’s prohibition on discrimination based on sex. The subject of one of these cases, R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, is Aimee Stephens.

Mattel Launches Creatable World Gender Inclusive Doll Line

Mattel Launches Creatable World Gender Inclusive Doll Line

Global toy brand Mattel announced today a new product line featuring a customizable doll offering endless combinations all in one box. The Creatable World™ doll line, consisting of six different doll kits that are available in a variety of skin tones, invites kids to create their own characters with extensive wardrobe options, accessories, and wigs that allow them to style their doll with short or long hair, or in a skirt, pants, or both.

My Sober Second Act

My Sober Second Act

There are so many things that numb us to who we are. Alcohol is a big one. Minority groups, including queer and trans folks, have higher rates of alcoholism. It makes sense that we’d want to reach for a substance that provides an escape. But where’s the line between temporary escape and self-sabotage, playing right into the hands of those harmful stereotypes forced on us?

Traveling While Trans And The Trauma Of Dealing With The TSA

Traveling While Trans And The Trauma Of Dealing With The TSA

On Sept. 15, 2017, Olivia stepped into a full-body scanner at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. When she stepped out, a female Transportation Security Administration officer approached. On the scanner’s screen was an outline of a human body with the groin highlighted. The officer told Olivia that because of something the scanner had detected, a pat-down would be necessary.

Transfeminine People Don’t Owe You Traditional Femininity

Transfeminine People Don’t Owe You Traditional Femininity

When I defy traditional femininity, I get harassed, misgendered, or gawked at. I’m a lazy femme who wears makeup almost exclusively at night, rarely shaves their legs and has a deep voice. I’m non-binary and care very little about passing. This inspires a lot of ire in people.

Nauticult Navigates Genre and Gender

Nauticult Navigates Genre and Gender

Seattle genre-fluid band Nauticult has decided to change it up again. “We’ve recently decided to, instead of calling ourselves experimental hip hop, call ourselves experimental punk. That was a long discussion,” says vocalist Austin Sankey.