Fabiana Cunningham (Caitlin Frances) interviewing Satan (Ray Tagavilla) in rehearsal for The Last Days of Judas Iscariot.
Caitlin M. Frances is a long-time veteran of the Puget Sound entertainment scene. Catilin has served the theater community as an Actress, Director, Teacher and Theater Manager for more than 25 years. She’s worked on and off stage locally for The Village Theatre, SecondStory Repertory, Arts West, Harlequin Productions, Centerstage, Sound Theatre, Macha Monkey Productons, The Phoenix Theatre, SMT, 14/48, Balagan, and Seattle Shakespeare. Her upcoming role of Fabiana in The Last Days of Judas Iscariot is one of the most thrilling come her way in sometime.
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, according to Sound Theatre Company, imagines a court case deciding the ultimate fate of Judas Iscariot. The play used flashbacks to an imagined childhood, and features lawyers who call for the testimonies of fantastical witnesses, such as Mother Teresa, Caiaphas, Saint Monica, Sigmund Freud, and Satan.
Who is your character in Judas Iscariot? What impact does that character have on the story?
I am playing Fabiana Aziza Cunningham, the driven and passionate defense attorney for Judas Iscariot. Cunningham is a complex woman who is carrying a lot of her own issues into the courtroom and finding the balance of what she’s struggling to achieve for herself and what she’s fighting for with regards to Judas Iscariot is a challenge and a joy. How often does one get the chance to cross examine Mother Teresa, Pontius Pilate or Satan and the actors I get to play with are all top notch.
What are your thoughts on Christianity? Do you have a favorite film, stage, or rendering of the story?
I am a huge fan of the movie Dogma and I enjoy any and all good theological discussions. I am more of an Agnostic, having moved away from organized religion early on in life. However, I spent many a Sunday and Wednesday at Catholic Mass with my Grandmother in Buffalo New York and I have an Aunt who was a Nun and one of my Grandfather’s brother’s was a Catholic Priest. So, I get the title “Fallen Catholic” or “Lapsed Catholic” a lot.
You ran Second Story Rep for many years. What are some of your favorite memories about that time?
I was the Managing Director of SecondStory Rep from 1998-2004 and again from 2006-2009. I wouldn’t trade the first five years of that experience for anything in the world. It started as a true company, giving artists a year’s worth of work (albeit not paid nearly enough) at a time. One show you’d be someone’s sister the next you’d be directed by them then in the next show you’d be singing Cole Porter together in a review. I still love getting the chance to work with everyone from that time, it’s easy to dive in with artists whose patterns you are familiar with.
You are also a busy and committed mother. How do you balance child rearing and show biz?
HA! Very carefully. Juggling a schedule for myself, my son, my fiancée and my son’s father can be like trying to negotiate world peace at times but somehow it all works out. It takes a village and luckily I have not encountered a single theater company that wasn’t willing to have Connor with me at rehearsal or offer to help with him while I was on stage or in rehearsal. Luckily for Connor he’s only had to be backstage once or twice.
And now, our Lighting Round!
Plays or musicals?
Favorite Word:
Least Favorite Word:
Favorite Sound:
My son’s laugh
Least Favorite Sound:
Fork on a plate
Favorite Curse Word:
Fuck, it’s just so satisfying to say.
Favorite Movie:
Deadpool or The Princess Bride. Tough call
Least Favorite Movie:
Angry Birds
When you’re ushered through St Peter’s Gate what would you like to be said about you?
She lived every moment.
Sound Theatre Company’s The Last Days of Judas Iscariot runs from July 14-31 at Center Theatre at Seattle Center Armory. Tickets are available at Brown Paper Tickets.
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