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Watch This: Ode To The Alps Hotel
While I was couch surfing through grad school four years ago, I had this incredibly vivid dream about living in a 1920s building in the International District called the Alps Hotel. In the dream nothing really happened, but the place was a taller, narrower, more streamlined version of itself, like a cathedral, and I woke up with an unplaceable sense of hope.
The Station’s Block Party Utopia
Block Party at the Station aims to stay true to the community-oriented, neighborly idea of an actual block party. All of the artists are local hip-hop musicians from throughout the region, the festival has no corporate sponsorships, and it’s free.
The Totally Unofficial Guide to Seattle Pride
There are a ton of parties, events and happenings around Seattle celebrating Pride Weekend. We’ve collected the best of the best to provide you a personalized guide to the unofficial events of Seattle Pride.
Dressing Casual With Mandy Patinkin
That voice, that intensity, the musicals, the comedies, the TV dramas, the co-stars from Patti LuPone to Barbra Streisand to Bernadette Peters. That’s Mandy Patinkin, here in the PNW for concerts in Edmonds and Tacoma this week.
Critical Condition: Not Sorry At All
Richard Nelson’s Sorry has heartbreak, humor, and politics on its mind in the tradition of the finest Hallmark Hall of Fame Specials.
Nico Santos Is More Than The Sum Of His Parts
If I were asked to count off the number of gay, Filipino comics I knew of off the top of my head, I wouldn’t even make it halfway through my first set of fingers. One of those shortlisted names would be Nico Santos, who currently stars on Superstore, NBC’s retail-themed comedy show.
Watch This: Calling out Call-Out Culture
Oppressed people of every stripe (and, well, everybody) should strive to offer each other support, patience, and love—history has shown us over and over there is strength and safety in numbers.
The Business of Pride
We’ve clearly come a long way in the four decades since the first Pride celebrations. Now that the business of pride has taken center stage, though, you have to wonder if it’s been in the right direction.
Intiman’s Past, Present, and Future with Andrew Russell
Andrew Russell is the man who stepped into some murky waters at Intiman during their massive reorganization into a Summer Festival 5 years ago. Now their Producing Artistic Director, he recently took some time to catch us up on the ongoing season, as well as a slew of other activities he’s involved in.
Getting Gay at the SIFF Gay-La
Black tie and prom dresses, a DJ resembling a combination of Buddy Holly and Alfred Hitchcock, and a leather daddy building a motorcycle with a side car for his dog. It must be another SIFF Gay-la.
The Totally Unofficial Guide to Portland Pride
Portland Pride happens June 16–18. There are tons of fantastic activities, parties, and events that happen that aren’t officially part of the festivities but that you’ll definitely want to check out, so we’ve created a curated list of must-do events over the course of Portland Pride weekend.
Critical Condition: Paint Your Wagon Rolls into the 5th Avenue Theatre
With a brand-spanking new script by Jon Marans, all new-orchestrations, and a reshuffled song score, 5th Avenue Theatre’s reimagining of Paint Your Wagon seems, with just a little more refinement, ready to roll on to a lengthy Broadway revival.
Orlando Gay Club Massacre Deadliest in US History
A state of emergency has been declared in Florida’s Orange County after a shooting at Pulse, an gay Orlando nightclub, has reportedly left 50 people dead and at least as many wounded, making this the deadliest mass shooting in US history.
Critical Condition: Kim Maguire’s A Night in June
Kim Maguire’s A Night in June is well produced, aurally entrancing. This is an album for lovers, and for lovers of great vintage American music.
Patti Smith and the Power of Diva
Many of us–perhaps all of us–have a diva. She (or he) is many things to many people, but she is there, a trellis onto which we graft our hopes, desires, ambitions, failings–in short, our lives.