While Twist may be an unfamiliar name for you, you’re surely familiar with Three Dollar Bill Cinema and their annual Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. They rebranded as Twist: Seattle Queer Film Festival this year to better reflect the inclusivity in their programming. Their film selections are as strong as ever, with a huge variety of films over 11 days (October 13 – 23) at Capitol Hill and downtown Seattle locations.
King Cobra and Théo & Hugo Turn Up The Heat At TWIST
Two movies about gay sex, one a fictionalized account of a murder that rocked the porn industry, the other an account of the dangers of hooking-up with a stranger. Both are a study in contrasts, and both will be showing as part of Twist, Seattle’s recently re-branded queer film festival.
Colby Keller To Capitol Hill Series: Cut Me Out
Adult Film star Colby Keller has been in the news recently for his statements of support for Donald Trump. In a recent interview, he said that, while he doesn’t “support or endorse any of Trump’s policies” he’s encouraged by his “overtures to Russia and China” and plans to vote for him.
They’re Here, They’re Queer: Little Richard
It’s a phenomenal time to be a queer musician. But while all of the attention being paid to contemporary queer artists is wonderful and important and completely deserved, it’s important to remember the artists who fought tooth and acrylic nail to carve out spaces for themselves in a largely white, straight musical landscape.
Trans Models Strut Their Stuff
When cable TV’s Oxygen network recently debuted their new show from producer Whoopi Goldberg, it had all the hallmarks of good reality TV. Their was sexy models, trash talk confessionals, and drinks being thrown into well made-up faces. Only one thing made the show stand out from the pack: the cast were all trans.
Listen To This: Fall 2016 Music Preview
Autumn means a whole slew of new music, both releases and live performances, for all the queers to enjoy. Summer and its attendant festivals are behind us, and now we can swath ourselves in flannel and raincoats like the goddamn Seattleites we are and get on with it.
Turning Tricks with Deven Green
Deven Green is seven and a half feet tall. Ok, maybe not, but she still looms over you in that fabulous way only someone with such statuesque beauty can do. No matter how tall she is though, she’s definitely a force to be reckoned with.
The Meditative Wonderland of Mykki
Maybe the best summary of Mykki Blanco’s raison d’être comes from Blanco herself. In an interview on Youtube, she responds to a question about acceptance by mainstream hip-hop by stating, “I didn’t come to be accepted, I came to be visible.”
2016 Emmys Most Diverse Ever, According to Emmys
This weekend’s Emmy Awards celebration was one of the most diverse Emmy Awards celebrations ever. At least to hear them tell it. And tell it they did, whether they were awkwardly congratulating themselves for it, or awkwardly making fun of themselves for it.
Hi-Chews and Halsey Blues: Bumbershoot 2016
Well folks, I did it. I spent the weekend in the tween-filled, EDM-saturated alternate universe known as Bumbershoot and I’ve lived to tell the tale. Ok, so I’m being dramatic. It was mostly really fun and only ever got uncomfortable or depressing when I watched fourteen-year-olds doing drugs or something.
Matt Bomer and the New Hollywood Trend: Transface
In the grand Hollywood tradition of “brave” white actors taking on “daring” roles as people of color (we’re looking at you Natalie Wood and Mickey Rooney) comes a new phenomenon: transface. The latest example of this shameless practice of having a cisgender man play the role of a trans woman is gay actor Matt Bomer.
Ad Council Debuts Game for Good Campaign at PAX
The Ad Council announced today that it is collaborating with leading gaming companies and top gaming influencers to launch Game for Good. The effort aims to harness the power of games and the gaming community to drive awareness, engagement and impact on the critical social issues addressed by Ad Council campaigns.