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The Fully Realized Laura Kenny
The Realization of Emily Linder, which opened last week at Taproot Theatre in N. Seattle, stars one of the best-loved and most familiar faces in the Seattle acting community, Laura Kenny.
Queer Geek: Four Years and Counting
Seattle has long been an incredibly geeky city, with its strong and growing array of tech companies, numerous game companies, and an ever-growing array of nerd-friendly hangout spots. So it’s only natural that it was an ideal place to launch an entry into the increasingly popular LGBTQ-focused fandom scene.
Watch This: Virginia is for Led Zeppelin Lovers
Prior to a vacation centered around visiting my Southern belle girlfriend Mary Anne’s family, I imagined the state of Virginia as a series of covered bridges and water mills and some sort of taxidermy-laden, water mill-themed version of Japanese love hotels.
Translations Gets a Major Start
The 11th Translations: Seattle Transgender Film Festival kicks off tonight at the Egyptian Theatre with Major!, the story of Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, a 73-year-old Black transgender woman who has been fighting for the rights of trans women of color for more than 40 years. The film, which recently sold out its San Francisco premiere at the historic Castro Theatre, shows one woman’s journey, a community’s history, and how caring for each other can be a revolutionary act.
Critical Condition: Working to Death
One is a venerable golden age Broadway drama, the other a musical that was short-lived on the Great White Way yet has thrived in regional revivals ever since. Seeing the two just days apart made me appreciate how timely and timeless the subject of Americans at work really is.
Roasting Chablis: An Evening Of Jocular Alcoholism And Unbridled Snark
Fresh off the roast of the not so fresh Mark Finley, The Capitol Hill Roast series returns this month to send up the uber fabulous Ladie Chablis.
Anohni Speaks The Truth
One of the most visionary poets, artists, dramatists, and avant-rockers of post 9/11 America, Anohni has never shied away from publicly engaging in radical politics.
Billy Elliot’s New Grandma: Faye B. Summers
Long time Seattle actress Faye B Summers is a little older, a little wiser, and twice as saucy now as she takes on Village Theatre’s upcoming production of the musical Billy Elliot.
Watch This: My Year of Smoking
My year of smoking ended at my thirtieth birthday party, where my girlfriend and I split a last pink Fantasia and threw its golden 22 shell-remains into the street.
Baked: Reviewing David Schmader’s Green Guide
From history and science to legality and handy recipes, this handy guide is a smart, funny and quick read, satisfying through and through. At just short of 200 pages, anyone can go from novice to knowledgeable in a long afternoon.
Two Men and a Little Lady
Danny Roberts, who is most famous for being, “the most recognized Real World cast member ever” (New Orleans season), and his beau Wes, recently became the beaming fathers of a bouncing baby bundle of cuteness called Naiya Sage.
May is Trans Arts Month
Trans Arts Month, running May 5 through June 5, will feature performing arts, visual art, film, and more in a month long series of events celebrating the beauty and diversity of work by trans artists.
Critical Condition: A Ton of Glitter, A Sprinkle of Mystery
One production sizzles while another sort of fizzles in this review of Kinky Boots at 5th Ave and Sherlock Holmes and The American Problem from the Seattle Rep.
Outlantacon: Queer Geeking In Hotlanta
Outlantacon, part of Atlanta’s thriving queer geek community, is one of the longest-running queer conventions in the country.
Ry’s Ru-minations: Video Ho Realness
Kittens, we’ve come to it: Season 8’s Top 4 contestants, squaring off to make it into that Top 3 trio for the Drag Race season finale!